Laying the foundations for your best life

Time to gain
deeper insight!

I suspect you have been sensing that change is necessary or is coming and I am so grateful you decided to take action on that feeling today! Truth be told, you can't expect to achieve your goals if your mindset and actions do not align.

I hope these intuitive journal prompts mark the start of a transformative journey to gaining clarity on the life you truly aspire towards. This resource is designed exclusively for those ready to embrace change and amplify an area of their life – WITHOUT the overwhelm or confusion.

This is your invitation to embrace change and to shape a future aligned with your authentic self.

what's inside ‘7 Intuitive Journal Prompts for Insightful Self-Discovery’?

Reflection can be a powerful key to unlocking your potential, making better choices, and becoming the person you truly aspire to be.


Intuitive reflection explained


Traditional vs intuitive prompts


Journaling routine


7 intuitive journal prompts


*BONUS* extended reflection exercise


If we haven’t met before, my name is Lauren. I am the founder of The Founder Edit and co-founder of sports-inspired fashion brand, ELQ.

I hope these journal prompts resonate with you today. If not, that’s okay too.

Remember, you are always on time for your own life. Every step, every detour, every pause is part of your unique timeline. Embrace the timing of your story, as it is perfectly aligned with your purpose, growth, and journey to self-discovery.


xo Lauren